2 Bullcalves for sale.
At this moment we can offer you 2 outstanding bullcalves, both registered with Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America.
Both animals are full brothers with an excellent pedigree. There are at least 7 ancesters with over 75 inches T2T of whom are 3 over 200cm = 79" and 80"+ !!!
In Europe, you can't find any better than this at the moment.
First Bull: Dirk's Ranger Grande.
He is a very nice painted one with a few brindle stripes coming on. His horns have a firm backward slant which is very promising. He is well on his way to beat the 30 inch mark on his first birthday. If you are serious about the breed, you may well consider this one.

More info you can find here . If you want to see him alive, just take contact with us for further appointment.
Second bull: Dirk's Barracuda.
He is a white, red spotted animal with a bit of roan in his face. He could be a very nice ornament in your pasture simply because he has a different color than all the other cattle in Europe, not to mention the horns he will have.

More info you can find here . If you want to see him alive, just take contact with us for further appointment.
A few additional pictures.